The future of cannabis retail is being shaped by cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR). Portal42 is at the forefront, integrating these innovations to redefine the retail experience.

Augmented Reality for Product Demos

AR technology offers an immersive way for customers to explore products. Imagine customers viewing detailed 3D models of cannabis strains or experiencing the effects through VR before purchase. This not only enhances the shopping experience but also educates consumers.

AI in Customer Service

AI can transform customer service in cannabis retail. Chatbots for instant customer queries, AI-driven product recommendations, and predictive analytics for inventory management are just the beginning. Portal42’s AI integration ensures your business stays ahead with smart solutions.

Preparing for Tech Trends in Cannabis Retail

Staying ahead in cannabis retail means being prepared for technological advancements:

  • Invest in Tech: Embrace new technologies that enhance customer engagement and operational efficiency.

  • Train Your Team: Ensure your staff is well-versed in these technologies to provide a seamless customer experience.

  • Adapt and Evolve: Be open to adapting your business model to incorporate these technological innovations.

Portal42: Paving the Way for Future Tech in Retail

Portal42 is not just adapting to these changes; we’re driving them. Our platform is constantly evolving, integrating the latest technologies to keep your business at the cutting edge.




In Conclusion

The intersection of technology and cannabis retail is an exciting space, full of potential for growth and innovation. With Portal42, step into the future of retail, where AI, VR, and more are not just concepts, but realities enhancing your business.


Preparation is Key: Risk Assessments and Contingency Plans


Global Trends: The Cannabis Market Beyond Your State